lock gate


The sky looks threatening Chris, a little like we’ve had over the last couple of days. Lovely subtle colours throughout.

Many thanks Fiona.I have not posted for a while because I have moved home , and have done lots of painting but not the sort that I enjoy.

I know what you mean Chris! I haven’t posted very much over the summer either, only the odd rough sketch. Glad to see you getting back to the painting that you DO enjoy......I’ll look out for them.

Hang on Studio Wall

watercolour 7.5 x 11 ins

About the Artist
Chris Glassonbury

Self taught artist ,born in May 1945 I paint mainly in watercolour and occasionally with acrylic.Most of my paintings are landscapes. I paint mainly from photographs .I occasionally paint flowers in watercolour which I quite enjoy.I do not like paintings that have been altered by the use of pen .I…

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