Waiting in the wings


Yes, the light and shade are captured well and her shoulder blades do look as though they are wings enclosed while she waits poised well.

Lovely picture well drawn.

Love the treatment of light and shadow and the dress and figure are beautifully sketched Christine.

A lovely drawing and light and shade captured well. The shoulder blades are particularly good. If I might make a suggestion ... I would add a shadow perhaps round the feet so she's grounded?

Beautifully drawn Christine. The use of light and shade is really good.

Lovely drawing and yes, a shadow to ground her. I remember I forgot that with a painting of my granddaughter, once added it finished it off well.

Super drawing Christine, and the back view makes it different.

Thank you all for taking the time to comment. Yes, Heather and Marjorie totally agree, that’s what I should have added, a shadow to ground her. Will do it now.

A lovely drawing Christine, great light and shade and you have the stance perfectly.

Lovely drawing. When I saw this, I thought of Degas. Well done.

Super drawing Christine, lovely shading.

Hang on Studio Wall

A3 pencil on Bristol board. Trying to capture the light and shadow.

About the Artist
Christine Rogan

From a young age as long as I had pencil and paper to hand, I’ve been happy. I have dabbled mainly with watercolour and in an effort to become more proficient joined local art classes. However since retiring I’ve had the opportunity (and time!) to try different media, and discovered a love of…

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