Missenden Abbey

Missenden Abbey

I like it; it's lively, colourful, and conveys a sense of place better than many more "finished" studies could do.

Thanks for the positive comments Robert. This painting was actually started in the grounds of the Abbey and finished in the studio. I was using up acrylic paints left over from a previous subject, added inks and collage too. All very spontaneous and ended up be one of my all time favourite pieces. I could have sold it but didn't want to, it therefore hangs in my own home! I am new to this site but have been thrilled by the comments received about my work.

Hang on Studio Wall

This was the first painting I did in mixed media.

About the Artist
Chrissie Turner

Chrissie Turner Chrissie came from an artistic background. Encouraged by her father, a talented amateur artist, she attended Harrow Art School in her early teen years. In 2006 Chrissie undertook a further Foundation course in Art and Design. She exhibits her work whenever she is able and has…

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