After the boats have gone

After the boats have gone

And another beautiful painting ! Colours are vibrant, the pine tree is alive. Oh how much I would like to be there ! Well done Carol.

Hi Carole, Agree with Beatrice. Interesting composition and windy/calm patches on the water.

Hi Carole. Lovely glowing painting, and what wonderful rocks. Really like the texture on your lonesome pine too.

Would love to be walking along that path - lovely vibrant sunny painting

Hi Carole I agree with the above...another beautiful hot Mediterranean scene, which I always like, agree that beautiful liquid blue...perhaps a bit of artistic licence and not have that beautiful pine tree obscuring the rocky islands?

Thank you everyone for your lovely comments - I really enjoyed the looser painting style for the rocks and pine tree. Phil, I'm afraid I was making a statement by partially covering the Faraglioni rocks - i.e. nature will always take it's own course Norah, that path is very long and goes right up the side of the Island - my fella took the photo this painting is based on - whilst we were walking (or crawling back up on a very hot day! Thank you all again for your postive feedback

Lovely vibrant painting. I love the tree

Hang on Studio Wall

The beautiful Island of Capri again! 30 x 20 inch deep edge canvas - acrylic

About the Artist
Carole Russell

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