Geraniums in July

Geraniums in July

Lovely Carole. Vibrant and cheerful.

I love your palette in this Carole it really suits the heat we've been having recently.

A real summer feel to this painting Carole in colour and topic. Lovely.

That's a real beauty Carole, lovely palette

Beautiful sunny colours, cheerful watercolour.

Sunshine ! And lovely washes create this happy work!

Lovely summer colours Carole, great reflections.

Thank you so much Jim, Dennis, Val, Christine, David Iwona, Rachel and Lesley for your positive comments. I really didn’t expect such wonderful feedback as my watercolours are a bit rudimentary. I used to be terrified of the lack of control one experiences with this medium but I’m learning to let go a little and allow the paint to dictate its own passage, both a frightening and exciting experience.

Wow love those colours Carole, beautiful 😀👍

Hello, Carole, this lovely heartfelt work jump into my eyes! When I hit this work after scrolling down, I have already assumed that it might be yours! Because this work really indicates you Carole whom I imagine through all your comments. I admire the positiveness, compassion and encouragement you have been sharing in the community, and I feel all the quality of your personality in this beautiful transparent watercolour. I am so inspired by your work since I am still in the stage of water play! I have never expected you mentioned about me! Thank you very much for your another kind encouragement🥰

Oh Yoko, you don’t realise how good you are. You have been such an inspiration with your amazing flower paintings, especially through your sense of colour, design and natural, loose approach. 😊

Another beauty. Just had a look through your gallery. I don't get on here very often. I could spend all day looking at your work Carole.

Hang on Studio Wall

12” x 14” watercolour on Langford rough paper. Inspired by Yoko Archer’s lovely loose watercolours, I thought I’d have go. Not as loose as I would like but I enjoyed trying. The geraniums were from my garden and I realise I should have had some leaves on show. I love using my ancient drop leaf table as a background as it is very battered and has such a great, reflective surface.

About the Artist
Carole Kelly

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