The bored young woman in an empty room in a state of undress and dress

The bored young woman in an empty room in a state of undress and dress

Your title made me smile, another good one Rikke

Another good one, Rikke!!

Thank you Heather and David. Much appreciated. Glad I made you smile Heather. I was just messing around with this one.

Your figures are so good Rikke, nearly as good as the title !😀

Thank you Richard. lol. Much appreciated.

Beautifull painting.

Thank you Joop. Much appreciated.

I love the soft effect you've achieved. Lovely work.

Thank you Lewis. Much appreciated.

Thank you Spencer. Much appreciated.

Superb composition and expression, Rikke.

Thank you Seok. Much appreciated.

Hang on Studio Wall

Maybe undressing and covering up again might be more exciting...

About the Artist
Rikke Jergyes

My first name is Danish and is pronounced "Ricky". I am married and have a 10 year old son. His mother and I are home schooling him Cambridge International. We live in Montmartre, Paris. I mostly work from home so I have some free time to dabble in art. All my paintings and drawings are digital.

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