Autumn Feasting

Autumn Feasting

A very cute painting Derek.

Sorry, but I find it quite disgusting, Derek.

I don't quite see what makes it 'disgusting', to be entirely honest - I do think that the mouse might have chosen a slightly healthier looking fruit to explore, but beyond that am a little mystified by Cesare's strong reaction.

Very fine detail on the mouse Derek, something quite difficult to achieve in watercolour.

Dear Cesare Romano, May I ask the real reason to why you find the painting 'quite disgusting'. To add such a comment without giving any particular reason or qualification for your comment seems quite bizaar. It is perhaps his tail which you find disgusting? Or too many whiskers? Or my signature is unreadable. If I were a mouse deep into Autumn and found a juicy melt in the mouth rotten little apple I would chew and chew and chew the sloppy slithery sweet nectar of the food on offer, and dive into it with glee. Cheer up its only a painting and life goes on. Thank you for all other welcoming comments!

Hmm -a very strange comment from Cesare - which is unusual for him - perhaps he has misinterpreted it Derek. I found it quite cute, the details on the mouse is, as Fiona says, very detailed. I love his eye.

Hang on Studio Wall


About the Artist
Derek Mutch

DEREK MUTCH – WATER COLOURIST I was never truly interested in painting even in the Art Classes at School where the Art Teacher seemed to spend more time chastising us and using the tops of desks as the quickest route to get to some-one misbehaving! However, in later years my journey through…

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