'One Giant Leap For Nankind' : Front Cover Artwork for Peshwari Nans Novel The Sequel

'One Giant Leap For Nankind' : Front Cover Artwork for Peshwari Nans Novel The Sequel

Again, I love this! Please don't take this the wrong way, but I thought she was holding a v large shredded wheat until I clicked on the image! Haha! No offence intended, but I thought I'd risk saying it as you clearly have a great sense of fun. T X

Posted by T T on Thu 20 Oct 21:18:03

Me too! :) A lovely colourful and humorous painting Derek.

Hang on Studio Wall


About the Artist
Derek Mutch

DEREK MUTCH – WATER COLOURIST I was never truly interested in painting even in the Art Classes at School where the Art Teacher seemed to spend more time chastising us and using the tops of desks as the quickest route to get to some-one misbehaving! However, in later years my journey through…

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