Thumbnail sketch .

Thumbnail sketch .

excellent Andre simple composition with colours echoed throughout the picture well done David Harrison

These are so good Andre, so much info in a small space.

Your on to something with these thbnails Andre they are full of vitality I like them .

Delightful Andre. Warm feel throughout, color palette pleasing and harmonious. I have enjoyed looking through your gallery today, you have a unique style that is emerging through your various landscapes with people, how you place your people in your scenes.

Thanks to all for your comments,really appreciated, and thank you Nancy for taking the time to view the gallery and making your comment.

Wow, Andre, this is so small, but it's captured all the essential details, and the atmosphere in spades! Wonderful study!

Hang on Studio Wall

7x5 acrylic. Fishing on the Conwy estuary.

About the Artist
andre mulard

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