One Liners

One Liners

You are quite right Ali ...I would know you anywhere. Well done you.

Great first go at this method of drawing. The expressions on the faces are so quirky and full of character and the figure has so much movement. Super.

Welcome to the club Ali! I had a fantastic laugh, thank you for that!

It gets easier the more you do and I'm pretty sure you'll do more, there's a lot of movement in the figure!

I think we all thought exactly the same at first Ali but the more you do the better they get and we are now all well and truly hooked, as I'm sure you will be too!

Thanks so much everyone - to be continued for sure..... and it has been fun.

Posted by ali . on Sun 16 Nov 15:13:53

Well I take my hat off to all the tryers in this challenge! I could give you a greater laugh if I posted my blindfolded drawing of my face. Your figure is very good Ali.

Well done Ali!

Hang on Studio Wall

For what it's worth :) I apologise to anyone who clicks on this thinking I'm showing a work of art but I couldn't get it onto the forum. I had great fun doing it once I got over the frustration and can imagine becoming hooked.

About the Artist
ali .

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