Chloe in blue

Chloe in blue

I like the composition and the distribution of light on this, Alan. Nice piece of work.

Love the monochrome effect Alan. it's wonderfully executed.

I'm not normally fond of figure work - especially nudes (must be my catholic upbringing!). But these are really quite lovely. You have a real understanding of anatomy, composition and tone.

brilliant !, the whole portfolio.

Super work, Alan. Beautiful light on the skin. However, I am just running to my wardrobe for a dressing gown for the poor lass!

Thanks for the wonderful comments everyone. It's really appreciated...and Thea she was quite warm believe me :) . She doesn't wear much more when she goes clubbing and Brid isn't exactly hot!

Interesting light on the figure, this is executed very well.

Erotic. What big eyes she has! Lovely work.

Thanks Lorraine and Jeanette. Erotic I'm not sure about. I was after a flowing pose. Perhaps I got erotic as a bonus. Might work on that :) She's got big eyes, a haughty nose and a very sensual mouth. She's also a natural poser. How can I go wrong?

The pose and the misty tonal quality make it a very erotic picture but very sensual

Awesome Alan the eyes have it...hard to find the words it's erotic yes but with the eyes the expression in them is the blue

Erotic it is then!

Hang on Studio Wall

Sky blue pastel and white conte on blue murano paper

About the Artist
Alan Stevens

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