Baby Gorilla

Baby Gorilla

This is lovely Alan, I also like the buffalo one.

This is incredible work as is your buffalo, I can see I have a long way to go with my coloured pencils before I create anything half as good as this.

Incredible, I love it

Love this guy! Excellent work. Fur is fantastic and love his expression!

I agree, this is gorgeous - lovely feeling of being in the sunshine.

Gorgeous pose and the contrasting lime green background behind the greys gives it an interesting graphic quality. striking!

think i better put my pencils away, will never get this good

think i better put my pencils away, will never get this good

Beautiful, it looks so realistic, i'm only 12, do you have any tips? Thank you ever such a lot, I hope to be as good as you one day.

Thank you so much everyone for the great comments! Coloured pencils are a fantastic medium and I am still amazed as what can be achieved. Rose, the main tips I can give you are: 1) keep drawing as much as you can when you can, look at the shape of what you are drawing, look at where the light falls. 2) Start off with very very light layers and build up slowly over the top going gradually darker. 3) Use the best quality graphite or coloured pencils you can afford and the best quality paper, this will allow you to get more layers and look richer. 4) Always draw fur in the direction that it's growing. Hope this helps!

Beautiful baby gorilla Alan and superb background as well

Hang on Studio Wall

Derwent Studio and Coloursoft coloured pencils onto A3 cartridge

About the Artist
Alan Jones

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