Over the Wall York

Over the Wall York

My goodness the detail in this, and marvellous perspective. Very accomplished work!

Beautifully painted. such detail. The Cathedral is smashing.

I have an American friend whose mother was born in one of these houses under the wall. I'm going to send her the link to your painting. I don't know how I've missed your gallery before because they are all just beautiful paintings. What gallery carries your work? I'd love to see it in the flesh. I'm guessing somewhere in Yorkshire. I'm very close to that view of Downham. The same view just won people's choice in the EAC Art Awards 2009. How could I contact you about the painting of Ribblehead? Could you leave me a message please in my gallery?

A lovely and vibrant painting of York Minster. I spent my boyhood in York and know it well. So I am delighted to see such a fine painting!

Hang on Studio Wall

Traditional Watercolour

About the Artist
Alan Goodall

Born in West Yorkshire and living in Mirfield, I've enjoyed painting watercolours for many years. Self taught following an interior design career, I have exhibited widely including regular shows and being a prize winner for the British Watercolour Society in Ilkley. My work has featured in art…

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