Madame Récamier

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Hang on Studio Wall
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I don’t see a problem in copying other artists work Frank, I agree that it can help improve your work. Of course there is always the caveat that you don’t pass it off as your own work or attempt to sell it without permission. I often paint in the style of one of my favourite artists to get me out of a rut and it usually acts as a kickstart to me start something new. Look forward to seeing the finished work.
Interesting story about your relative Stephen, it’s good when people recognise your work for what it is, you know you are on the right track. Peder’s work is amazing - I am in awe of realist painters, but strive for my work to be somewhere between realism and Impressionism. That’s really interesting Barry about painting in the style of your favourite artist to get you out of a rut, I find that studying another artist’s style can give me ideas when I have a block.
WIP update, didn’t manage to get much done today due to other projects taking up my time.  Made a start using almost entirely Neocolor 1 pastels - these are quite a hard pastel, but are my “go to” for laying in base colours. I’ll use a softer type for laying on gorgeous colour hi lights later. Some of Madame’s limbs are not going quite right I know but still! Reasonably happy so far.
Lovely work Frank, you have captured her skin beautifully.  Like most of us i have had no formal training in art also, but i just paint what i like and what i am drawn to. Like Painful Painter, i would have loved to have been able to go to art school/college when i had left school, but alas i came from a large family and had to bring in money at age 15! ( cue violins!). So i have plodded on with the odd unstructured art class years ago and lately a pre lockdown a village art class once a fortnight.  Lately i have been inspired to paint animals and i have to confess to copying artists in order to learn and i have learnt and enjoyed the process.  It makes a change from my usual subjects, mainly flowers/Roses which i feel i have found my own style.  

by Nerys B

Lewis and Alan have both said that making a copy or study of masters' work was something that art students were always encouraged to do - and I so agree with this that I'm going to have a go at copying one of my favourite paintings, as soon as I have a clear easel.  Copying living artists, or those still in copyright, is OK so long as you make it clear it IS your version of their painting - otherwise they can get a bit sniffy..... but I notice that a lot of tutors and demonstrators are perfectly happy to have you try your hand at one of their paintings; anyone is perfectly free to have a crack at one of mine, on the strict proviso, of course, that you don't make a better job of it than I did...........   PS - You've chosen a very difficult medium, in oil pastels - well done!

by Robert Jones, NAPA

It’s looking really good Frank, you are making the use of oil pastel look easy it’s one of those that I’ve only used a little and found them difficult. 
It is never too late to go back to college.  Perhaps this is not the best year to say that, but old dogs can learn new tricks!  That is provided that you can tolerate the naivety of young people. My husband took a history degree after he retired and I went back to art college for a year.  The beauty of it was that it was of now consequence as to whether I passed or failed.  A pre diploma course is better value for money than a degree as is a masters.
Thanks Nerys, I’ve got my violin out! 😀 If you are anything like me, I’ve gained so much from weekly art groups both artistic and socially. Thanks Robert for making me smile 😊 I may take you up on copying one of yours, but you needn’t worry as I don’t expect to come anywhere near your standard!  Re copyright, we had to get a bit tough with some members of our art group, who presented copied work for exhibition without any acknowledgement to the original artist. The thing is Paul, with oil pastels, no matter how many colours you have, there is never the exact colour you want, unlike paint where you can mix the perfect colour. Colours often have to be built up in layers of more than one colour. Linda, the idea of a diploma course sounds interesting, but teaching an old dog new tricks might prove a bit difficult for me, as I often can’t remember what I’ve had for breakfast each day! 😀
Frank, your drawing is coming to life, I love it. The colours look amazing.
Frank, yes i have gained so much from art classes , i think we take a little bit from tutors we come across and books we have read and in turn it comes out somewhere in our art . As for the social aspect of art classes, it's always great to chat about our art with others, something i really missed during the lockdown and now the tier restrictions. I cannot wait for the day when i can go swimming again and go back to the village art classes when all this Covid stuff is over with. Robert, When i say i copy from other art authors, if i show it publicly, then yes i always attribute the author f the original work, it's only good manners.  Linda, although not a degree, i did end up going back to college when my kids were taking their GCSE's. I took some also, as well and also 2 A levels. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, my kids thought i was a swat! 
It's looking promising Frank - don't think I've seen you use pastels before and yes - it'll be great when we can get back together again. Bumped into our mutual friend John Voss a few days ago , looking well but sadly no longer painting. 
Another point about weekly art groups Nerys is that not only are we painting away with like minded people, but the gossip can get very amusing, especially from some of the ladies, who sometimes talk about stuff I know nothing about! Hi Michael, long time no see! I’ve only recently picked up my oil pastels which had sat for many years after a first disastrous attempt 😀 Well here’s the finished work for all it’s faults and good bits. I must say that being fairly new to oil pastels, I really enjoyed this one and it does resemble the original artist’s work a bit I think.
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