Watercolour colours

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Hang on Studio Wall
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As a relatively new member I see that there are many more blogs and people using the gallery than the forum. I think the search engine does not allways work well (I have tested with a few key words from recent forums) so it can be time comsuming to get around. Maybe it is better if you cannot find a topic easily to start a new thread - it would be nice to see more contributors although it can be time consuming if you only have an hour - do you paint or surf ? Great source of info and great that it is free in these cost conscious times :->
I agree that there seems to be a small hard core of people regularly contributing to the forum. It would lovely for a lot more people to get involved in the discussions. The small group does allow you to get to know people pretty well and for friendships to form, which is nice. However, we can 'spread the love' as the Americans say, and I for one would like to get to know lots more artists and hear their views.
Absolutely right, Norah, about paintings sometimes disappearing from the front page in the blink of an eye. It is usually made worse when someone posts several paintings in one go which relegates everyone else's work to the backroom, so to speak. We have asked the POL team to perhaps address this issue and suggest that people limit themselves to one or two postings per day and we await their response. I now put a note on the thread 'invitation to View a Gallery Entry' as this seems to overcome this issue quite well. Also, as people get to know you and your work, you will find that they will regularly have a visit to your gallery to see what you are up to and then are often kind enough to leave a comment. I have a trawl through all of the gallery on occasion as it is an opportunity to see work you have missed and leave a comment.
I don't think it's the professional artists Norah. It's mostly new people who have collected up several paintings and simply don't realise they are pushing everyone off with no chance for comments. There was one today and it's something I'm sure we have all done at some point. I know when I first joined I was so thrilled to have somewhere to post my paintings and above all to get comments I must have posted loads all at once. Until you've been on the site for a while you just don't realise how it works and lets face it there are no RULES except not advertising on the gallery. I'm one who feels that two a day is enough but we can't stop people. I do find, however that when someone posts half a dozen paintings, I only ever comment on one and that's usually a general comment rather than anything specifically helpful. Like others, if I really need advice on a painting I put it on the forum instead because once mine vanish from the front page they go to my portfolio which is so far back, no one would ever find it. I'm just very thankful we have this great site and such a friendly , helpful forum.
Well this past few nights I have spent more time on the Forum than anywhere else some good discussion going on Sylvia's Antony Gormley for instance has gotten a bit lively...I think the problem may be the inconvenience of logging onto the Forum separately logging off closing off and then logging on again to look at the blogs...I'm telling you it took the penny a long time to drop for me...and Mel enlightened me and now I know what to do...but imagine a newcomer trying to negotiate this...so maybe things could be a bit more user friendly...I like the idea of lively discussion as long as it stays civil...are artists civilised I don't know interrupt in the middle of a run of luck with the brush at your peril...or goodness what colour you will become ;-)
Perhaps after two years we have all-but exhausted all there is to be said about Art?...Artist's?...Mediums?
Absolutely and if we don temporarily run out of subjects to discuss we can be very English and discuss the weather!
Breezy, coldish and cloudy on the Kent coast :-D
perishing and chucking it down"! :-(
hiya i miss the old forum................. ..............the weathers has been lovely here in stoke...............although i've seen it through the window at work.............. B-)
Well blow me, I spent the night in Stone and the morning on Stafford showground and it was glorious; drove north at lunchtime; got level with Liverpool and the wind started and by the time we got home it was horrible. It's 10 degrees warmer in Stoke area.
Excuse me, Rob, but what is that you have said about ladies!!! I have to tell you that my husband spends more time gossiping on the phone than I do. Have you ever seen men in a pub?? Or talking cricket?? Or football?? At least the ladies talk about important stuff. I can hear all the gents out there sucking in their breath at that. I jest, of course, vive la difference. Oh and by the way - it's very windy,but sunny here in Shrewsbury.
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