Watercolour colours

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Hang on Studio Wall
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I too missed that one...Well it got posted then..I keep getting locke-out here..
I have been interested to read all the comments and views on this thread. I agree with Rob that we should have been consulted over changes to the format by the POL team. After all, it is the members who contribute and I can't recall a single thread that complained about the old format. Surely someone would have mentioned it if it was a problem? I have noticed that some members who regularly contributed to the forum seem to have disappeared and I suspect they have gone off to their respective sections. I feel I would like input in the watercolour section from those who do acrylics, oils or any other medium as the views get a bit too concentrated without this diversity of opinion and advice. It used to happen, when we were all together under the General Art section, but happens hardly at all now. After reading all the views, I don't think the forum is dead, but I do feel it has lost a lot of its sparkle and livliness. Even the General Art Discussion section seems to have suffered, which is strange considering this concerns all members rather than specific mediums. I actually think the reason that the dynamism seems to be lacking is that people generally don't appreciate a 'big brother' figure making changes to something that they felt some degree of ownership over and had a lot of enjoyment from. It makes you feel rather insignificant which in turn leaves you feeling rather deflated. This mood, I believe, is what we are seeing on the forum. These are just my views, of course. I am sure that if the POL team hold fast to the new format, we will all get used to it. In my case I will always regret the passing of the old, lively and dynamic forum.
I belong to a dog breed forum which used to use MSN. MSN closed down and moved everyone to Multiply which was totally different. Most of us complained and about 60% of the members just didn't bother to get used to the new format. The rest stuck with it and after a few tweaks, it's become far better than the old one. Don't knock change just because it's different. \it takes time to get used to something new and many people just don't bother. I like this new layout and find it much easier to find my way around and keep up with new posts.
Kicking down the Forum is not a way to keep it going ! Any new comer would think that it is not worse having a look. These last few days I have had a look at other artist forums, well my friends they look pretty boring :-S Thousands of artists buy Artist and Leisure Magazines and find our Forum advertised on their pages. They come here, join to share their views or more likely to share tips. If you go away from this site, there always be other artists to join.
Having come back to painting after 10 years away with a severe movement disorder which, belatedly, has responded to medication, I enjoy Leisure Painter and the forum. Still finding my way around I must say I find the forum stimulating and no doubt, something which will help my progress back. No, I don't think it has died. Sketcher
Happily, the amount and vivacity of the debate on this thread has restored my faith in the forum! It is nice that many feel that they are coping and enjoying the new format. Those of us struggling a bit will no doubt catch up. There have been ideas how to identify and find new threads - thanks for that - very helpful for the digitally challenged like me. I hope that lots of new and exciting threads will be posted and we can all enjoy the debate (as long as we can find the threads!! Only joking...!)
I hope you aren't intenting to leave the forum Harry? I alway enjoy your input and many on here can benefit from your experience. Regards, William.
Ditto that sentiment, William. What would life be without lively debate. We all come from different walks of life and have different views on every subject and jolly good thing for that I say! Controversial views are stimulating and as long as they are voiced in a courteous tone, I welcome them. It is also an opportunity to learn something from other people - which is a lot of the value of the forum. Keep the debate coming!
I'd definitely go along with that :D
Harry, nobody has said that you were a bad person :-S All of us put their point of view, they cannot be all alike and it does not mean that if we do not agree with one another we are at war. It is the all point of a forum, debating with different views. Believe me Harry, many of us come here to talk about their art and also to find arty people to share their enthousiasm about their way of living or their hobby. I know that quite a few too suffer from health problem and so internet and forum for art and for all is a great way to communicate.
Enjoy and welcome differences and controversy light some fire in your belly, otherwise your Art will go to sleep. And like many forums/galleries everything will be nice and cosy and meaningless.
If Art is about passion...If Artist are passionate about their art...If Painters are passionate about their surfaces and the things they make that lasting mark for posterity on them...Then there should, and must, be some passion in This Forum too...Rhetoric not diatribe...[involving reasoned debate & not personal attack]...Perhaps?
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