A Brief Foray into the NPG or…Tracey won’t be pleased

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Hang on Studio Wall
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If Emin can 'draw a line that communicates feeling every time' why doesn't she? 
If Emin can 'draw a line that communicates feeling every time' why doesn't she? 
Peter Smith on 15/07/2023 09:21:03
She does Peter. Every time she draws a line there's an uproar. Mission accomplished. (-:
When this topic first came up in another thread, I took quite an intense search online to find any of her early work which showed the sort of skills learned at an atelier or some such.  I even found her graduation project.  None, nothing, nada etc.   I agree Hockney, Picasso etc, all earned their stripes early in their career, if someone could point me in the direction of something of Emin's with some quality like theirs, I'd be a happy convert. Until then, I think we can all draw an 'emotional' line. Nonetheless, she had given some of her cash to support the Margate museum for up and coming artists.  In the age of a camera in every hand, and AI flying ahead, perhaps she'll be the only unique 'by hand' artist that people will look back on a century from now. I don't dislike the woman, though. In a period dominated by men in the Brit Art era, she maybe needed the hype?  
True, but surely it has to be backed up with a modicum of ability?
I'm making no further comment on Tracy Emin (well, she never mentions me...) but Jonathan Jones, despite being of Welsh extraction and sharing his extraordinarily distinguished name, is one of those critics who seems to think of himself as a maverick, a gadfly, while many of the rest of us think him an over-opinionated twit.   His most recent oeuvre in the Guardian was an attempt to unseat the reputation of Sir Joshua Reynolds (who, I have to admit, is not an artist I particularly admire).   Perhaps Jonathan is resentful of the fact that Reynolds, though long dead, is still remembered; while he - quite possibly - will be forgotten less than a week after his own tragic demise from over consumption of his own acid.   As a former part-time journalist, I can tell you with authority: any fool can write, and all too many of them do.  
I read that piece on Reynolds Robert; it struck me as very small minded. I'm not a huge Reynolds fan but the pictures that illustrated the article looked perfectly fine to me.
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