Work... harumph...

Work... harumph...

Work... harumph...

Ever have one of those days at work... where everything you do to help people gets chucked back in your face... ;) The curse of being in management. I thought they whined in the private sector.... but... doesn't matter love the job, I've got great people too... probably more about the way I feel than what they wanted to project... Still a day of taking a kicking... so thanks for all the positive comments cheered me up. Anyway tonight I had a plan... to paint, and then it turned out my wife was out for a curry... so I got straight on with it. So except for the mid painting wrist slitting (you know the bit where you loose heart and want to throw it away) interlude (acommpanied by My Name is Earl)... I let the bad Karma out... and TBH pleased with the result. Complete redo of yesterdays... and no I didn't paint over yesterdays - blank canvas. More colour, more contrast... better or not? Cheers, Ade
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