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Views. Likes and Comments
Observations on POL gallery feedback
When looking at the gallery, it has always struck me as curious that paintings tend to attract more comments than likes. Bearing in mind that the vast majority of comments are complimentary, it seems odd that people say they like a painting but don't hit the "like" button. Randomly choosing a page this morning the paintings had only 34 likes but 80, overwhelmingly favourable, comments. I do find it easier to "like" a painting than to comment, though the latter does seem to have the additional benefit of attracting others to my own artwork galleries. Certainly if I comment favourably I always hit the "like' button too, and, indeed, often feel I am shortchanging the artist if I "like" the painting but don't say why. Sometimes, I just feel that there is little I can teach the more professional members of the site. Overall though I "like" more than I comment. Then there are views, the most obvious favourable response. If I look at my most viewed paintings, in descending order, the "top 3" have 1 like and 2 comments (by others), 3 likes and 6 comments, whilst the third has no likes and no comments. It just strikes me as curious.
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