After our presentation, we socialized in Willy Lots cottage drinking wine, and getting to know each other better. On saturday morning, we had breakfast in the Mill, which was a choice of full english, cereals, porridge toast and jam, coffee and tea. Then the ingredients of our packed lunch were laid out for us to put together which we did, and when we'd tootled off to our studio, there was also tea coffee, biscuits and more cake, so no chance of going hungry, in fact, because I only had cereal for breakfast, my lot put my name down for the full monty, and scoffed it between them! Oink oink! Our studio was in one of the most idyllic spots on site, , facing straight onto the Millpond with a wooded and grassy bank in front of it, and despite FM being touristy, we were secluded and peaceful in the inner sanctum, and very grateful for the shade, as by mid morning the sun was already very hot. The object of the day's exercise was to complete a series of watercolour sketches without any preliminary pencil sketching, starting small, and lasting half an hour, then working bigger with larger brushes. The reason for the pencil ban, was to force us to spend more time looking and absorbing our subject before committing to paint, in this way we were making more critical decisions in a more spontanious way, forcing us to make every mark count. I did a quick demonstration to illustrate the point, avoiding any complicated scenes such as buildings to start with, then moving on to buildings and how to represent water simply.
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