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Thank you all for your wonderful comments to my art. I makes me happy and more energetic.(spelling)... on the page it says comments: how do I write in comments when read your comments?

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Lena, I did this too some years back when someone bought me this pocket sketchbook , bit like a diary with a space for a drawing each day. I ended up drawing 4 / day instead of one. Sometimes it was the neighbours house, a book, a piece of string or my own toes. I also took this sketchbook with me on holidays so it filled up quickly. I also started splashing on some watercolours, which made them a lot more interesting. It's quite addictive. Enjoy your sketching journey!

Posted on Sat 10 Feb 06:06:30

Morning . i have set my self on a drawing challenge every day, quick fast , just what you see, and it is sooo difficult.everyday for a year, but it teaches me control and not to give in, even the sketches maybe is not as they could be.. as sometimes you are just not in the mood.. X lena