Sunday Drawing class-7

Sunday Drawing class-7

Two simple shapes for practice

Sunday Drawing Class - 7 Hello!! I'm here again with the seventh round of our Sunday Drawing Classes. To draw first line on a white paper is itself somehow difficult for many people. Most of us can’t bring that self-belief inside. But I believe that everyone is having an artist hidden inside him/her. All of us just need an encouragement to feel that. I hope my art classes may help you a little. This week again, we try to simplify the shapes we learnt to draw. In fact, we need to draw a lot of those kinds of shapes. It is however not a general drawing class. My face-to-face training has definitely certain advantages over these video lectures. I give my students this kind of task every week. So their foundation of sketching becomes stronger. If I do the same here, there is high probability that you will lose interest. That is why we need to cover everything with speedy lessons. So next week, I will demonstrate you how you can change a two-dimensional shape to a three-dimensional one with the help of shades and shadows. In our fifth lesson, I told you that we love to copy. To copy isn’t that bad. It gives us a lot of ideas. But if you are obsessed with copying only, then it's really problematic. Because, if you keep on copying constantly, the power of your imagination will be lost, perhaps forever. But one more thing. Not all people want to be artist. Most of them do it for their own fun and relaxation. For those people, copying is not a hurdle or stigma. But if you really want to be an artist, create something of your own. And believe me, it is much more fun than copying. If you think I'm wrong, then ask yourself. So, start thinking. Do Copy to absorb the ideas and transform them to create something new. Take a look at the video, where I have shown how to draw some more simple shapes. I'll be back next week. Sketch well ... good luck...
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