Sketching easel

Sketching easel

Sketching easel

Triumph of the day, managed to put up my easel properly (the lower block goes behind the canvas for support, not under it. Instructions on Jullian easel website , and it works. Put some of my pictures in the Gallery today. Went to see new Star Trek film on Tuesday, enjoyed it. I think my daughter is going to take me to see Angels and Demons on Monday , as I'm working on my birthday. Slipped up there fancy working 2pm til 10pm on my birthday. Forgot to ask for it off. Not looking forward to Saturday as I'm working 12midday til 10 pm. Went to art group on Wednesday, not in the zone, rubbish work. Didn't go to art class this week went for a meal instead at Grantham College Restaurant where the guest chef was from the Barge and Bottle Inn in Sleaford. Very good, wine not bad either.
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