Sketches on the tube/train

Sketches on the tube/train

sketch it

This is all about sketching on the transport system, loving it and being addicted to it. It genrates the eye-hand co-ordination, which is so important to representational artists. Just observing and recording different faces, features, moods, appearances, fascinating! On this particular occasion this girl was right in front of me and she seemed to be so wrapped up in reading whatever she was reading that the guy beside me who knew I was sketching her kept smiling. Then he got off and I was left with this lady, I then asked what she was reading and she told me she was preparing for a test as a nusring student. I then replied showing her the sketch I made of her, that ,"no wonder you were so wrapped up and didn't know I was sketching you". She was so shocked, she said she was into graphic design and now changed to nusring, she loved it and gave me her e-mail address and I sent the image to her, she now has this image as her front image on facebook! One pleasant experience on the train!
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Hi, I have only just (10 mins ago) joined up for the forums. Don't know how I got here (2007 post) and I don't know if you Adebanji are still on this forum, but I love this sketch and the concept of sketching on public transport. So glad the young lady reacted positively to your study of her. My first memory of sketching a person was many many years ago (maybe 45 yrs ago!!!), when I sketched my great uncle snoozing in the armchair. My most recent sketch a couple of years ago - yeah! don't do it often :-| tho' I do enjoy it.