Robin Harley (nee Lennox) art blog

Robin Harley (nee Lennox) art blog

Daughter of Max Lennox

Hi, I'm new here! My dad and mum have used this site for years and enjoyed it very much and I have of course looked at his paintings and the lovely comments several times but I am now wanting to join in the fun :-) So here I am....I would also like share some of my recent artwork for comments advice. My preferred medium since my teenage years (oh so long ago) has been pencil: I'm confident sketching/reproducing photos etc... In the last year i have had some fun with charcoal, coloured pencil, acrylic, mixed media, printmaking along with my other loves sewing and crochet, jewellery making and wet and dry felting and encaustic wax....I am now attempting some watercolour and hope at least that friends of my parents will be able to comment and advise along with my dad <3 I do take commissions for portraits and I am currently donating all profits to charity. I hope you will like and comment on my artwork :-) Please do not reproduce my art as I am also selling prints etc and I own the copyright to all my artwork. Genuine thanks
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