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Post Covid restart!
The restart of the Plymouth Arts Club in a new home
After a shutdown of two years due to the Covid pandemic (the last meeting was on March 17th 2020), the Plymouth Arts Club is starting up again. The club was founded in 1865 and there is no way that it is going to fade away - it is too good a club with many passionate painters! Bombed out of the Plymouth Athenaeum during the WW2 blitz, the club moved to the Swarthmore building which became it’s home until this year, when the new lease-holders decided that the studio would be subject to a “change of use”! Undaunted, the club’s committee members undertook a search for a suitable venue, and after some negotiation received permission to build storage space for the art equipment that had been acquired by the club over the years. Luckily, one of our members is a skilled carpenter and - with the help of committee members - this work was done in 4 days! We are meeting on Wednesday 20th April 2022 with an additional 6 members taken off the waiting list (still 31 on it!) The other club that I was involved with has closed down and will not be resurrected - only because no members were prepared to step up and take on any roles of responsibility, and no club can be managed by just one person! My advice is that if you belong to an art club and you enjoy what that club gives you, then give back, and support your club in the best way that you can😊
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