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Please someone, take the flaming watercolours away....!
I wanted a rest from watercolour, but it's an addiction.
I wanted to take a break from watercolour. I am not a natural watercolourist. It never was my primary medium, and I didn't start by painting in watercolour (I started with oil).
I've got some boards, new acrylics, oil paint, and canvases to come .... but I made a dreadful mistake. Knowing that I'd run out of Pthalo Blue (in fact, a very old tube of Daler Rowney's Monestial Blue; it hasn't been called that for years), I ordered a tube from Jackson's so that I'd have it available when I wanted to go back to watercolour. It was Jackson's own watercolour, in a big, fat tube. And when it arrived, I looked upon it, lustfully. I'm not sure it didn't wink. It had to be tried.
So out came the drawing board, watercolour paper, and gummed tape again. The hake - scarcely dry from previous exertions - was taken from its pot. The mop and the rigger were made ready. I squeezed the pthalo blue (none of your "red shade", or "green shade" here, and all the better for it) onto a white plate, and it's sumptuous. Mixed with a touch of Cadmium Red, it produces a fantastic grey/blue. Helpless, I was - had to paint a full picture, when I'd only intended to try out the paint....
I need to break free from this addiction - if someone could perhaps come along and lock my watercolour brushes and paints away, or otherwise restrain me from going anywhere near them for a month or two, I'd be so grateful......
I wouldn't mind if I were a better watercolourist ....
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