Painting with Magnolia Emulsion Part Two

Painting with Magnolia Emulsion Part Two

Painting with Magnolia Emulsion Part Two

Painting with Magnolia emulsion continued - If you want to find out more about my rapid sketching techniques, see my drawing articles in this January and February issues of the Leisure Painter. Another method I apply, (especially if it's raining) is just to stare at the subject for about five minutes before making rapid notation in pencil. There can be a lot of repetition in a subject, such as windows. so only one needs to be drawn and others just have their positions marked. then comes the best bit! Finishing off the sketch in a country pub with a foaming pint and a roaring log fire - it always surprises me how much information I can recall in this condusive environment! My dog Purdey had a slightly different viewpoint from the trip, read all about it in her dogblog on You can also see one of the watercolours I have completed, entitled 'Road to Sheen'.
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