Painting again

Painting again

Painting again

Still struggling with oils but feel I am progressing. Son Nr 2 impressed with painting in progress so perhaps that will be online soon. (Oils take soooo long!) Private life not so good at the moment. Dear husband died in December 2017. Anybody who has been through this knows how much there is to cope with.Not only have you lost someone beloved but there is eternal bureaucracy to deal with. I can see the light now (3 sons a great help) but just beginning to paint again.
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Sorry to hear about your struggles Judith. I just looked up your previous gallery and see some lovely skilful work there. I usually paint in oils, now using the water soluble version which actually seems to dry a bit quicker! Hope to see something posted in the not too distant future.

So sorry to hear about your husband . I have yet to venture into oils I keep putting it off ..... id love to see some of your work when you feel ready ... I have just found this forum even though I've been getting the magazine for a year . I might post some of my pictures soon. keep painting