Paint with Terry Harrison Website Review

Paint with Terry Harrison Website Review

Review of the new Terry Harrison painting tutorial website Please note this is a completely independent unbiased review. I have not been paid by anyone to write this article its purely based on personal experience

I have admired the artwork of Terry Harrison for some time and have been fascinated by his easy to follow techniques. I met Terry at the patchings festival a couple of years ago and purchased his latest book to add to my collection of art books that inspire me to put brush to paper. He even signed it for me what a nice chap!! Anyway having within the last few months got back into painting I stumbled across some of his video clips on you tube. This led me to discover that he has a tutorial website which I believe launched in 2015. On you can join the site either on a monthly or annual basis with no commitment beyond the monthly or yearly subscription if you discover its not for you. However like me I'm sure you may well find it useful and entertaining. Terry is a very well known popular artist and I understand many moons ago he used to create paintings for airfix boxes which as a kid I always found fascinating even though I was rubbish at putting them together!! Ironically back then I used to hate art and especially at school where I found it possibly one of the least interesting subjects. Terry mentions in his books that he was inspired at an early age by a great art teacher and I think I must have had completely the opposite. So insignificant was mine I cannot even remember his or her name but that's school in the 70s for you!! I digress. Terrys website features his popular paintings that are in video easy to follow format most lasting between 30 minutes and an hour. Some even feature his dog Maggie May and the cameraman's dog also makes guest appearances which provides entertainment along the way too!! He paints with enthusiasm skill and humour which is vital I feel to engage people. Terry obviously has many years of tutoring behind him and this is evident on the videos. I joined in late January early February and there are over twenty tutorials at the moment I believe including new ones added around every two weeks. There is also a members gallery where you can submit your efforts to him for inclusion in the gallery and on occasion he provides constructive feedback on your work. His work looks quite complicated initially but when he breaks down the work through the tutorial the penny starts to drop and you find your painting improves. I'm still waiting for this to happen! Please note this is a completely independent unbiased review. I have not been paid by anyone to write this article its purely based on personal experience
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I don't know how I missed this blog Paul. Just surfing through. I was only thinking this morning that I would ask you about Terry Harrison's tutorials. I will have a look tomorrow on his website. Thanks for the info.

There are no rules and no boundaries and even better still there is no governing body. Art I feel is whatever you want it to be and more importantly whatever you are happy for it to be

Thanks as I am bad in watercolour techniques and even in acrylics. i just had a glance over website I found intresting so will go through in deep soon. I hope i will improve myself..

Hi Manashree I hope like me you find something there for you. At the moment it just focusses on watercolour but acrylics may be added in future I iunderstand

I went through the website.. thank you for sharing.. i wish i can explore art more creatively by learning from it.. thanks