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Moving to a new area
Moving to a new area
In July we made the move from South-West London to Wiltshire. Although the decision to move was not made for artistic reasons there are a lot of potential benefits for my art as well as drawbacks. Moving to a new area means lots of new scenes to paint and new places to visit which could bring further painting opportunities. As a lot of my work is based on rural scenes and animals, living where I am gives me lots of opportunities for this. Just a short walk away are pigs, sheep and cows obviously harder to find in London. Nearby are many ancient sites such as Stonehenge, Old Sarum and Avebury which I am also very interested to paint and sketch in time. The city of Salisbury itself has many interesting places to sketch and paint. There are some lovely streets with old and interesting buildings not just in the city centre but also in the outlying roads. There are interesting views of Salisbury cathedral from all around the city.
Prior to moving I was a member of three local art groups. Inevitably, moving to a new area means starting up from scratch in finding suitable art groups and exhibiting opportunities. Athough I haven't yet joined any art groups here I've already sold four paintings online since September and had some of my paintings in a local gallery exhibition.
All in all I'm looking forward to the challenges for my art in re-locating to a new area and to all the exciting new painting opportunities in the area around me.
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