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Mindfulness and Art
Noting, seeing colours, shapes and movement are so absorbing that the enriching state of mindfulness can be more powerfully reached through the pencil and paintbrush than through meditation.

Andre's book " Looking at Mindfulness; 25 Ways to Live in the Moment Through Art", has inspired me to look into Mindfulness and Art.
What I've discovered is that painting, particularly outside is so totally absorbing that it is almost instantly effective in reaching the state of mindfulness. Andre's book outlines studies that substantiate the hugely beneficial benefits of painting.
That noting, seeing colours, shapes and movement are so absorbing that the enriching state of mindfulness can be more powerfully reached through the pencil and paintbrush than through meditation.
"I wish I could do that" said one of a group of Spanish ladies who had climbed Glastonbury Tor at 07.00 this morning to watch the burning sunrise from Glastonbury Tor.
She was looking over my shoulder at the little watercolour I was making of the burning red and yellow ball of the sun rising above the mist of the surrounding Levels. "You dont need to be a great artist, it is just doing it. All it needs is a little pocket water colour box, a small sketch book, a paint brush and a little bottle of water."
Whilst sitting on one of the Blue Lias flagstones I absorbed the surrounding mist floss covering across the Vale of Avalon obscuring all except the tops of hill poking above the white sun.
As I dipped the brush in the little jar of muddy coloured water and picked up windsor yellow and then scarlet red and started to record the impression of rising sun, mist and purple ridges, I had total concentration on colours, shapes, intensity and gentle movement.
Call it mystical, spiritual or whatever, it's so intense that coming back to normal awareness, I then realise that it is freezing cold. Rushing down to Glastonbury High Street for coffee and toast, like a battery I feel charged, stronger to face the hassles of day-to-day existence. Mobile phones, emails, gas bills, parking fines and the list goes on....
It really isn't the end result, the small paintings, although a bonus when others enjoy them and offer to buy them, it's the recharging experience of complete mindfulness that painting opens up that makes it so worth while.
You can enjoy my daily little watercolours from Glastonbury Tor on my website
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