It is almost Spring in New Zealand...

It is almost Spring in New Zealand...

It is almost Spring in New Zealand...

Thought it was high time for an update on my blog. Here we are at the end of August and there are definite signs down here in the far south of New Zealand that spring has almost sprung. The first crocuses have now died off and the tulip leaves are through; the white confetti blossom of the old plum tree in the front garden is just coming out to give its annual stunning display. All winter we have been feeding the birds, nectar water for the bellbirds and waxeyes, fruit has been spurred on the gnarled white banskia rose branches at the back of the house and seed hung out for the finches. A couple of weeks ago I was approached by a New Zealand giftware manufacturer asking if they could use two of my pukeko images on two of their products. Pukekoes are native New Zealand birds who frequent swampy areas. They are quite comical in behaviour and have beautiful plumage of dark blue and white with bright legs. The images are going to be reproduced on a bag and a ceramic tile. So the contract is now signed and hopefully they sell well; a royalty is payable for each one produced. On the 4th August I entered a painting called The Guardian (a cat painting which is in my portfolio on this site) in the Edinburgh Realty Premier Art Awards locally held by the Otago Art Society. They have their premises in a beautiful old Victorian railways station, here in Dunedin. It sold on opening night so I was encouraged to pick up the brush again after a rather lean painting period of several months. I have started another painting recently of some more native birds, two small owls called Moreporks. They are called Moreporks because their cry sounds like the words “ more pork “. I have a fondness for owls. It is a textured work/mixed media this time. I found some pieces of Indian textured paper in my art cupboard and used it along with some old tissue paper dressmaking patterns and PVA to create a base on which to paint. I will post it on here when it is completed so you can see. I continue to keep a small journal/notebook updated with odd notes and possible titles for future paintings. Words inspire me for paintings, so having this little book with collected phrases and notes is very handy…it can sometimes kick start me off to paint. It has been a busy time with my family. My youngest daughter has just returned from 5 months living in Japan, she has been studying at Hirosaki University studying Japanese and Mandarin and my oldest daughter has left New Zealand and after stopping off in London for a brief stay with relatives, and a friend in Switzerland. She has now arrived in South Korea where she will teach English as a Second Language for the next year. My eldest (son) is now over half-way through his nursing training and is thoroughly enjoying it. I will be starting another art project very soon, the medium will be papier mache. What an under rated medium it is. In the past I have made puppets from it and now I am into making fruit bowls with recycled newspapers. They would make excellent and colourful unique presents for family and friends at Christmas. I had 20 small sheets of handmade paper in a selection of rainbow colours. Last weekend I made each sheet into a small envelope and thought they would make perfect envelopes for gift cards. The small gift cards will be made from Bockingford watercolour paper, each one hand painted. Buying individual gift cards in the shops is so expensive, it is part of my attempt to get organized for Christmas. They could also be attached around a jar of homemade jam or pickle, giving them a very personal look. I hope all of you are enjoyable your art. It is always a joy to see it on here and it provides a little window into such an array of people lives around the world. Thanks to the technology you don’t seem so far away now. Fond regards to all Anni
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