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In memory of Dai Harding 10.01.1950 - 25.02.2010
In memory of Dai Harding 10.01.1950 - 25.02.2010
Dai Harding died at the end of February this year. I met him on this site and he became first my teacher and then my friend.
Less than a year ago we went to Germany together to show in two exhibitions. I have never met anyone so full of knowledge, ideas and zest for life and for art. Most of all Dai had a huge generosity of spirit.
I cannot pick up a pencil or a brush without thinking of Dai and remembering his words, his smile, his bursts of laughter. I remember his love of curry, of music, the way he played guitar and sax. I remember his take on pictures and how he opened my eyes to see in new ways.
Finally, he would not want me to speak of him without mentioning his beloved longtime partner Gaynor Lougher and his son, Sam, and he would want me to send best wishes to all on the site, both those he met and all the new people who are using the space in the way we used it - to make friends and inspire each other.
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