How lucky am I?

How lucky am I?

My good fortune at an antiques market today

I just couldn't believe my luck today. Whilst browsing an antique place at Par market I came across this palette for £10. Imagine my utter delight when I opened it and saw the fabled Craig Young name (for those who don't know, Craig hand makes watercolour palettes...... for a price). This little baby is about £400 to buy from Craig. Totally speechless at this point my Wife asks the lady what is her best price. I wouldn't have had the brass neck, but the lady said £15 for the two ( I bought another W&N travel palette priced at £9). So should have been £19 but I got them for £15. Bargain or what! There's just a slight bit of damage on the one corner of the Craig palette but I can live with that. I bet it broke their heart when the previous owner dropped it. This is No. 9, one of his early ones when they were a bit like Henry Ford's cars. Any colour as long as it's Black!
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You are indeed a lucky boy ... and your wife a woman destined to make her fortune.

Very, very lucky Pete.....well spotted.

That is indeed lucky Pete!

good find, will have to start looking closer at things?