House signboards

House signboards

House signboards

I have used my ability to paint in acrylics to produce my own decorative house numbers. The numbers measure 6" in depth, and the board which is made of marine ply approx. 30" long hangs under the front window. It is well rubbed down with fine sandpaper and then covered in two coats of white emulsion. Then a thin coat of acrylic paint in grey or pale blue is gently dabbed evenly on with a natural sponge. The design is usually drawn out on paper and then transferred by using "Tracedown" and then complete the painting of my own design. My board is in a sheltered position but it helps to preserve it if a coat of clear varnish is applied. Having done several designs I change them round occasionally which amuses the neighbours and passers-by. At Christmas time I hang a special one which has a festive touch! Another article I have made and decorated by the same method is this padded box seat, with the additional use of masking tape to give a neat border. The seat is usually kept in our conservatory and is useful container for young grandaughter's board games and of course her own painting and drawing materials!
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