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Hello Again
Hello Again
I am sure it is a great presumption on my part to assume that anyone would be remotely interested in anything I have to say about my painting or art in general, but my 2013 resolution has to re-start my blog - so here goes.
Having been a member of POL for about fours years, some people will know my name and might even has seen some of my paintings. However, for those who haven't I will introduce myself. I am Thea Cable, a struggling watercolourist who started painting in late 2008. Having taken a couple of courses in watercolour then, the dye was immediately cast and I was hooked forever.
I think I must describe myself as a colourist as finding hidden colours in subjects and then interpreting them in a way that isn't too literal has become my style. I have recently launched into pen and wash but am finding it hard to get the balance right between the pen bit and the wash bit. Everything is work in progress I'm afraid and I have a long way to go in my watercolour journey.
I thought I might use this blog to chart how things are going with my painting. I am not sure how fascinating this will be to read but I will do my utmost to make it relevant and informative. Anyway, if things are going really badly it might cheer someone up who is in the doldrums too, so no experience will be wasted.
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