Been a while

Been a while

Been a while

... so I'm back in work hell right now. Ok so that's a deep exageration but take it from I'm very busy. The students are all back and as a HOD I've spent most of the last two weeks tending to [censored for the benefit of Judith Laux]. or was that one of my staff... i forget. Anyway I've only done 3 paintings since my last post... which is irritating to say the least. I managed to do one at my art club... old subject revisited... but over the WE I did a couple of experiments... one of which is attached to this post. These are experiments 'cos they use much more red & yellow than I'd normally deploy. I'm really not comfortable with reds... and I always feel the paintings just look too busy. Is that a personal preference or are they actually too busy? Feedback would be useful. These are not good enough for the gallery so if you want a closer look they're on my other blog: Cheers for now. Ade
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