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Analysis. And Design
A quick look a appraising your initial approach to yoir painting

Hi. Just a quick today I have been getting quite despondent over the lack of tuition in art groups on the subject of Design of a painting. More and more artists seem to be ignoring this subject. When first setting out your subject. Look, and paint what you see and not what you think you see. The design ( ie the putting together of the subject you wish to paint) is it correctly proportioned. Have you placed the focal point in the correct position. Have you created duality. (A big no no) have you thought out your grouping. Is there a lead in. Are you inadvertently taking the viewers eye out of the picture, instead of in. Is your aerial perspective spot on. Have you cut your picture in two with a continuous fence across the picture. All these and more, should be addressed at the initial sketch set up. Just because an object is there, you don’t have to include it in your picture. Move things about to get a better visual concept and balance. Whatever you do keep painting and try to improve all the time
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