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Al Pacino and the Great Gatso
Al Pacino and the Great Gatso
My wife had quite a shock recently when a buff envelope arrived addressed to me containing a summons. First thoughts were that I’d finally been caught by the Great Gatso returning in the early hours of the morning from a demonstration somewhere. Fortunately my 35 year driving record remains unblemished. It transpires the buff letter contained a summons for jury service! This came as a great surprise to me as I thought it was like measles and you only caught it once. I had already served on a jury some 20 years previously. The great thing then was that I got two interesting, fully paid weeks from my previous employer. This time I just get hassle. The longshot is that I’ve had to cancel a number of demonstrations and workshops at short notice. Fortunately the organising secretaries have been most understanding.
I suppose that at least I can see the skills a court artist has to use to record events through observation and memory. I always assumed they had a load of pre-drawn ‘dock’ templates and just filled in the faces from newspaper pictures.
However after watching all those Al Pacino gangster movies, I’m a little worried that with the advent of the internet and my profile becoming more well known, that I should wear some sort of disguise. With that in mind I’m growing a beard, changing my glasses to a heavy rimmed type and practising saying, “D’ya know what it is yet?
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