Belatedly I find this blog again (wish there was a way of having favourites)...interesting reading..the best sold...well done.
Thanks Phil, Val and Beatrice for your comments. I only sold one of my 5 paintings at the exhibition, fortunately it was the most expensive. Only four paintings sold I think in the entire week of exhibition. I guess this is an indicator of the tough financial times at the moment, art is seen as a luxury. Well I can understand that, feeding the family comes first. Some artists have started painting smaller more affordable pictures...they postage costs are less too. I wonder if any artists reading this have started painting smaller works? ~ Cheers Anni :)
What a tip ! exhibition and recipe all in one !
Yes good luck with the exhibition.
Good luck with the exhibition and the play and thanks for the recipe, can't wait to try it!
And replace the flour with say cornflour/rice flour and use Gluten-Free (GF) digestives...if we (Meltemi & The Memsahib) were not off to Peru...then I would perhaps be over for a look-see.
Have a good exhibition.
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