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A pictorial alphabet of favourite places around England – H for Hartington
A pictorial alphabet of favourite places I've sketched and painted around England.

Hartington is typical of larger Peak District market villages which catered for the many smaller villages around them. Granted a market charter in 1203, its wealth derived from lead mining, and cheesemaking, being one of only 3 authorised sources of Stilton. Nowadays it is still surrounded by pastoral farmland, but relies more on tourism. There are certainly plenty of good pubs and cafes to attract, and refresh, its visitors. This painting was my most satisfying sale ever. It was in an exhibition held in Hartington Primary School, and was bought by a lady who had attended the school as a child. Not only that, she had walked a mile to school every day from the outlying farm where she grew up, down this lane and between these two barns. Now that’s what makes landscape painting worthwhile!
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