A pictorial alphabet of favourite places around England – D for Dent

A pictorial alphabet of favourite places around England – D for Dent

A pictorial alphabet of favourite places I've sketched and painted around England.

Dent, Morning Shadows sml

I don’t travel to the Yorkshire dales & moors as much as I should (perhaps because I’m a Lancashire lad) but I painted this on a weekend course with the great Yorkshire artist Paul Talbot-Greaves, in the village of Dent. Paul had us bending over walls and leaning under gates to find unusual compositions. Great fun. Dent is a typical hill village, old stone cottages, twisty lanes and dry stone walls, with hills all around. It is also a place of paradoxes. Officially in Cumbria, it is also within the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Then it has a station on the scenic Settle to Carlisle railway line, but the station is four miles from the village! Yorkshire humour will answer your question “why’s the station so far from the village?” with the answer “happen they wanted it to be near t’railway”.

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Thanks, Michael. You can learn a lot about tone from Paul Talbot-Greaves, and he's a really nice guy. I used to book him regularly for demos when I was an art group Programme Secretary.

Thanks Karren, glad you like it. Sorry to hear Dent has sad associations for you. Perhaps it's a jinx village? On the course I went on, a chap turned up late on the first evening, having come from a wedding on the East Coast, and left again immediately, having realised he had someone else's car keys in his pocket ! We never saw him again, so he won't have happy memories of Dent either.

Dent is a beautiful village / area and I love your picture. It is however, a place that is unmentionable in our house. We booked 3 holidays there and each time the holiday has been scuppered. My Father in law died on the first day of one holiday, my step daughter became homeless on the first day..... As a former Cumbrian Lass I think it was making me suffer for moving to Co. Durham. From now on we shall revert to day trips. Seriously, the country lane walks and the area has so much to offer the artist, walker and in my husband's case...trains, even with the uphill walk to the station.