A new lease on life

A new lease on life

A new lease on life

I was too optimistic about the treatment in my last blog as within three days the pain was back twofold ! after further scans I was told an operation was the only answer but as I didn't have private health cover it was going to be three or four months down the track, a godsend in as far as it gave time for the old body to heal itself and after seeking the advice of my doctor I shall cancel the surgery, I have been virtualy pain free this last week after a gradual improvement and I can get back to painting normally instead of fifteen minute sessions , I would like to thank everyone who wished me well ,I really appreciated their kindness. I was only able to finish two paintings during this time, one 'Faces in the Crowd'(which I posted a few weeks ago ) it has now been fixed up on the outer wall of the gallery that houses our art club with the work of six more club members and is already attracting favourable comment and interest in the club, the other I posted yesterday ( 'Breakaway' ) only to see it drowned in a sea of postings almost immediately, such is life.
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