2008 is racing ahead.

2008 is racing ahead.

2008 is racing ahead.

The year started with a very hot summer in Gauteng and the continuation of a very good rainy season. Our second daughter and son-law came out from the UK to visit. Their 2 weeks visit was shared between family and a trip to Pilansberg Game Reserve. We enjoyed a wonderful 4 days with them and our son-in-law's parents on Wyndford Holiday farm located next to the Lesotho border. Enjoyed lovely daily hikes. I will load some of the scenic landscapes. February and March rushed by, filled with many other "stuff", including a wonderful weekend away on a farm in the Eastern Cape. Now ,at the beginning of April, I have tidied and organised my studio and started painting. again. I am currently busy with a large landscape painting in oil for the end of year exhibition as well as two smaller landscape paintings for a commission. The latter is a new experience for me as it is only my second commission and I hope that it will be what the client wants. It is so much easier to paint for an unknown potential buyer. At 57, I have started piano lessons in January at one of our local High School's and am thoroughly enjoying the lessons. Learning to play the piano is a lovely break from painting and is what I call, my anti-Alzheimer course. Music is like a new language to learn and my brain cells are being stretched! Hoping the year is progressing well for all the PaintersOnline. Enjoy your creativity and may it be a blessing of beauty to family, friends and strangers.
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