Glenuig Scotland

Glenuig Scotland

Pat, this is lovely and has that feeling of immediacy as a result of being painted en plein air - certainly in this one you knew when to stop! Martin K would be impressed, I'm sure! I love the light and the way the foreground leads you into the scene. My compliments...

This is superb, Pat - I like the way the flats in the foreground leads the eye into the painting. Very nice!

Beautiful beach scene Pat, you just can't help yourself can you when faced with a view like's lovely.

Good composition and lovely colours - Well done!

Hang on Studio Wall

16 x 16 oil on canvas. Painted "en plein air" in Western Scotland on holiday a few weeks ago. The weather was beautiful all week, so hot that the oil paints were drying quickly like acrylics.

About the Artist
Pat Thompson

I've been painting almost ten years, initially with watercolours, then moving on to oils and other media. I am self taught, though have attended several short painting courses. I paint as a hobby and also belong to 2 art groups in Yorkshire. I exhibit through them and local galleries. I loveā€¦

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