Bridlington Priory

Bridlington Priory

Superb painting Pat I know how difficult these are

A difficult subject as it is Pat but to do it on site...excellent.

Lovely painting Pat

Nice painting Pat lovely work well done

I agree with Fiona. It's a difficult subject but you've acquitted yourself superbly, Pat!

Great study of a lovely building - not easy as I've just found out doing something similiar

Complicated subject Pat. I always like this view of looking up at these beautiful buildings you have captured it well.

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil on Canvas. Simplified study of part of this lovely building, sketched on the spot looking upwards.

About the Artist
Pat Thompson

I've been painting almost ten years, initially with watercolours, then moving on to oils and other media. I am self taught, though have attended several short painting courses. I paint as a hobby and also belong to 2 art groups in Yorkshire. I exhibit through them and local galleries. I loveā€¦

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