Fence line


Another well crafted painting from you Stevan, always like your work

Thanks Heather, it's great to be appreciated.

Its another fab painting in you very distinctive style Stevan, love it !!

Lovely, Stevan, in your distinctive style and colours. Really like the textures you get with the gesso.

Thankyou Linda Drury, it's great to recieve enthusiastic responses.

Thanks Jenny Harris. Another enthusiastic comment. It makes the hobby worthwhile.

Love the moody atmosphere!

I love all these paintings, Steven.

Kay, thanks for your comments. It is always gratifying when a painting you've done generates emotion.

Thoroughly enjoying your moon series Stevan, great textures and colours to set that all important atmosphere.

Thanks Fionna it's really good to have a theme for inspiration and I've got some more ideas to develop. Thanks again for the comments.

Fabulous work.

Beautiful Stevan, I can almost hear the lone hoot of an owl out there. Wonderful.

Super painting; I love the light and texture in your work.

That sky is alive. I’ve seen night skies just like that. The whole image glows.

Thanks Frank, its great to get your comments.

Hang on Studio Wall

Another painting in a series of been doing that depicts the light of the moon on the landscape. I am fascinated with the way the light sillouetes trees etc.

About the Artist
Stevan Petrovic

I was born in Wakefield West Yorkshire and lived in that area most of my life. I moved over the border in to Lancashire (only just) in 2011. My family and my job have been priorities but I have managed to draw and paint since I was a child. For a short period I was the Chairman of Wakefield art…

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