The Old Farm Track to Milwich

farm track milwich

Impressive contrasts and colour.

Beautiful balance and I love the suggested trees and colours - really lovely.

An excellent snow series Alan. Wonder which one is your favourite - you must have one, tellus!

This is so good Alan. Beautifully painted in every way and what a wonderful viewpoint too.

Your colours always blend so well together. you can feel the depth of those tracks and the tree shadows on the farm buildings, it all adds up to another superb painting.

Love this, Alan, recedes beautifully and of course that wonderful palette

Excellent work as always Alan. Your palette is a great trademark.

Another masterful piece Alan and an interesting question posed by Marjorie.

Another lovely snow scene, Alan, I especially like the textures in the foreground and sky.

A wonderful palette and composition, Alan - I really like this as it has so much character and depth...

Thanks everyone for your lovely comments, Church Lane leading to All Saints Church at Sandon is my first choice, followed by the one I’m currently working on, my last in the series as I’ve run out of material.

And you've run out of snow, Alan!

I like the impasto effects here Alan - and the gorgeous colour combinations.

I agree with the other comments, Alan: this is great!

Love the light and expressive use of paint, beautiful work

A beautiful painting Alan,the snow field leads the eye from the farm track where the village of Milwich is set behind those trees, and the distant plateaus meeting the sky far out into the distance.

Always such fresh colours, very alive painting Alan.

Well, what can you say that's not been said before? Great quality of light, perfectly represented by the nearer roof and the shadows cast on it, and then the counter-change with the shaded wall of the farther building .... I could just look at that spot for hours, and in fact you could make a new painting from just that area alone.

Well worth the trawl to find this little beauty Alan. A terrific snowscape, it’s got to be one of your best....or up there near the top anyway.

Gorgeous Alan-great use of impasto in the sky

Another superb painting, the light you have achieved is just perfect.

This is a fabulous set of winter scenes - a great balance between cool and warm colours - you have really captured the essence of winter Alan.

You have captured the chill, bright landscape. Excellent.

Great work and atmosphere, Alan!

I really love the light in this scene and the colours in the foreground. Looks cold

Afer seeing so many comments, I do not know what to add. Thumbs up for this painting.

Hang on Studio Wall

This lane is little more than an old farm track, which meanders through fields and woodland, ending up at the small village of Milwich, the church being the prominent feature of the landscape. Jackson’s Belle-Arti board, 40 x 50cm.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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