In conversation

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Ways with watercolour: line and wash by G J Blockley

G J Blockley explains why drawing and painting should be integrated into a balanced whole

Painting and laughing in the rain with Winston Oh

Winston Oh proves it is possible to make the best of bad weather on painting holidays.

An Artist’s Devon by Hilary Page

Returning to an area she knows well, Hilary Page reveals her favourite painting spots beside the sea, in the countryside and on the moors.

Learning how to learn - conquering all media with Anne Elsworth

Anne Elsworth enjoys the pleasures and problems of all media and encourages us to try something different for a change.

Masterclass - City scenes in acrylic with Terry McKivragan

Masterclass - Terry McKivragan talks to Oliver Lange about his techniques for using acrylics

Painting penguins - Not as black and white as it seems

On World Penguin Day, Annie Broadley explores how a trip to Antarctica proved a painting revelation and inspiration.

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